In 2022, five working groups of the Creative Commons Open Culture Platform collaborated on a diverse range of topics related to better sharing of cultural heritage. In this blog post, we highlight their incredible contribution to the open culture community. Digital Community Heritage Led by Bettina Fabos and Mariana Ziku, the Digital Community Heritage Working…
On 7 February 2023, Creative Commons hosted a panel discussion on 3D scanning, preservation, access and revitalization of cultural heritage. Missed it? Not to worry, it was recorded. Here are some of our top takeaways from discussion: To increase access to cultural content, advocacy efforts that appeal to museums’ higher values of making cultural…
On 7 February 2023, Creative Commons will host a panel discussion on 3D scanning, preservation, access and revitalization of cultural heritage. As 3D technologies advance and cultural heritage institutions around the world seek better ways to enable people to engage with their collections, we also see cultural artifacts threatened by global climate change, armed conflict,…