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Tag: open culture

Coming Soon! Season 2 of Open Culture VOICES

Open Culture
CC inside a speech bubble followed by Open Culture VOICES Season 2 cover by Creative Commons is licensed CC BY 4.0.

Open Culture is a growing sector of the open movement around the world, with museums, galleries, archives and libraries increasingly making collections available and accessible online. The Open Culture VOICES series aims to shine a light on the leaders and advocates in the sector to inspire others and increase the accessibility and availability of cultural…

2022 in Review: a Look at Creative Commons’ Open Culture Program

Open Culture
image of a white CC open culture logo in the left corner on top of an illustration of a person sitting by a window and reading a newspaper A cropped version of "'Espejo exterior o espía'." by Biblioteca Rector Machado y Nuñez is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0. with a white CC open culture logo

2022 was quite a year for the Creative Commons (CC) Open Culture Program, thanks to generous funding from Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing & Peter Baldwin, and the Samuel H. Kress Foundation. In this blog post, we take a look back at some of the year’s highlights in our program’s four components: Policy,…

Reimagine Open Culture with the Newly Relaunched

Open Culture

Exciting news — an initiative of the MHz Foundation,, a free-to-use platform that connects users to over 4.4 million digital artworks and cultural objects, recently relaunched with some amazing new features. On 7 December, they will host a guided experience of the new platform, and we hope to see you there. Register now. The…

CC celebrates 30 years of UNESCO Memory of the World

Open Culture

This week, the international community celebrates 30 years of the UNESCO Memory of the World Program. At Creative Commons (CC), we applaud the program’s achievements in enhancing preservation and access to documentary heritage from galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMs) around the globe. We laud the multitude of efforts enlisting documentary heritage to promote inclusive,…

UNESCO MONDIACULT2022: A Starting Point for Open Culture

Open Culture

This week, policymakers from around the world gather in Mexico for MONDIACULT2022, the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development, a critical event that is bound to shape the future of international cultural policies worldwide. In the lead-up to MONDIACULT2022, Creative Commons’ (CC) Brigitte Vézina delivered a keynote to the international forum “Digitalizar…

Members Share Their Experiences with the CC Open Culture Platform

Open Culture
An illustration showing lots of human hands of various colors reaching together to hold up a glowing, multicolored ball.

Do you know about the Creative Commons Open Culture Platform? It’s a space for open culture and cultural heritage practitioners, advocates, and enthusiasts to share resources, hold conversations, and collaborate on matters related to open access to cultural heritage, especially heritage held in galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMs). As we were curious about our…