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Tag: open culture

Panel Recap: 3D Scanning for Cultural Heritage Preservation, Access and Revitalization

Open Culture
Glowing greenish 2-dimensional view of statues of human figures in a 3-dimensional scan of the interior of in the Hypogeum of the Volumnis in Perugia, Italy. 3D view of the Tablinum in the Hypogeum of the Volumnis, Perugia, Italy by CyArk, via Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

On 7 February 2023, Creative Commons hosted a panel discussion on 3D scanning, preservation, access and revitalization of cultural heritage. Missed it? Not to worry, it was recorded.    Here are some of our top takeaways from discussion:    To increase access to cultural content, advocacy efforts that appeal to museums’ higher values of making cultural…

CC’s #BetterSharing Collection | February: Sharing Brightens The Future

About CC, Open Creativity
An illustration of three human figures floating in a circle, each holding a light source: a caveman with a flaming stick, someone in medieval European clothes with a candle, and someone in modern dress with an electric lightbulb, all on a bright yellow background. Sharing Brightens The Future” by Teo Georgiev for Creative Commons & Fine Acts is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

As part of our #20CC anniversary, last year we joined forces with Fine Acts to spark a global dialogue on what better sharing looks like in action. Our #BetterSharing collection of illustrations was the result — we gathered insights from 12 prominent open advocates around the world and tasked 12 renowned artists who embrace openness…

Scanning 3D: Cultural Heritage Preservation, Access and Revitalization

Open Culture
Glowing greenish 2-dimensional view of statues of human figures in a 3-dimensional scan of the interior of in the Hypogeum of the Volumnis in Perugia, Italy. 3D view of the Tablinum in the Hypogeum of the Volumnis, Perugia, Italy by CyArk, via Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

On 7 February 2023, Creative Commons will host a panel discussion on 3D scanning, preservation, access and revitalization of cultural heritage. As 3D technologies advance and cultural heritage institutions around the world seek better ways to enable people to engage with their collections, we also see cultural artifacts threatened by global climate change, armed conflict,…