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Tag: NC

Next Steps: NonCommercial and NoDerivatives Discussion


In the last few months there has been quite a bit of discussion about what CC should do with the non-free licenses. Some have called for Creative Commons to retire or otherwise change the way we offer licenses containing the NonCommercial and NoDerivatives conditions because those licenses do not create a true commons of open…

Ongoing discussions: NonCommercial and NoDerivatives


A few days ago the Students for Free Culture (SFC) published a provocative blog post called “Stop the inclusion of proprietary licenses in Creative Commons 4.0.” The article urged Creative Commons to deprecate (meaning “retire” or similar), or otherwise change the way Creative Commons offers licenses containing the NonCommercial and NoDerivatives terms, because they “do…

Noncommercial study interim report; "user" questionnaire closes May 5!


Recently we launched the second round of a questionnaire on noncommercial use, this one focusing on users. Read that post for details, or hop directly to the questionnaire, which takes 15-25 minutes to complete. The questionnaire will be open through May 5. We’ll be publishing preliminary data (note: free text answers will be removed for…

NonCommercial study focus groups next month: SF, NYC, and online


As previously announced, Creative Commons is researching “noncommercial use”. Last year we conducted a number of focus groups and fielded a survey (thank you everyone who responded!) designed to collect information about how creators understand the distinction between commercial and noncommercial uses of their content. Now we want to talk to people about their experience…

Urgent: Your input needed for "NonCommercial" questionnaire


As previously announced, we’re running a questionnaire on understanding “NonCommercial” use. The questionnaire runs through December 714. It takes 15-25 minutes to complete. Click here to start the questionnaire. Your input is greatly appreciated. CC CEO Joi Ito explains: “The study has direct relevance to Creative Commons’ mission of providing free, flexible copyright licenses that…

Non-Commercial study questionnaire


As previously announced, Creative Commons is studying how people understand the term “noncommercial use”. At this stage of research, we are reaching out to the Creative Commons community and to anyone else interested in public copyright licenses – would you please take a few minutes to participate in our study by responding to this questionnaire?…