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Tag: Activities

CC Open Education Platform Activities: 2023 in Review

About CC, Community, Open Education, Open Knowledge
Orange figures writing on and sharing papers, then making paper airplanes

The CC Open Education community had a busy 2023!  Five project teams, spanning nine countries, worked on open education projects ranging from developing STEAM, interactive, and climate change-related OER, to international curriculum alignment and translation work. Community members also worked on multimedia resources supporting the UNESCO Recommendation on OER, and presented in CC’s biannual Open…

CC Open Education Platform Activities 2023

Open Education
A vibrant, colorful abstract image, including color splashes, ink drawings, goldfish and flowers. "Abstract Backgrounds" by NichoDesign is licensed via CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

This post was prepared collaboratively by Jennryn Wetzler, Werner Westermann, Lisa Di Valentino, Dr. Suma Parahakaran, Tetiana Kolesnykova, Paola Corti, Dan McGuire, and Fernando Daguanno. In February and March, the CC Open Education Platform community voted on five winning ideas to advance open education globally. Five project teams, spanning Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ghana, Italy, Malaysia,…