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Posts by cameron

Joi Ito on License Proliferation


Creative Commons CEO Joi Ito has a great post on his blog today about license proliferation. Drawing from his experience as a board member at both ICANN and the Open Source Initiative, Ito outlines the problems created by license proliferation: As sharing and the adoption of new, free licenses begins to accelerate, I believe we…

Aviary Launches New Music Creator


Yesterday Aviary released a brand new music creation tool, codenamed Roc. Roc employs a straight-forward grid-based interface that enables Aviary users of all musical backgrounds to create compositions easily. Most exciting to the CC community is that the instrument library accompanying Rock is released under a CC Attribution license: Best of all, completed music made…

Tenth Annual Media That Matters Film Festival: June 2nd, NYC


Mark your calendars – Arts Engine is back with its annual Media That Matters Film Festival on June 2nd in New York City. The festival, now in its tenth year, showcases twelve social justice shorts selected by a fantastic jury of filmmakers and activists. The premiere will take place at The Visual Arts Theater (Google…

CC Salon Beirut: Recap


Two weeks ago the first CC Salon Beirut took place, convening a number of fantastic groups and speakers from the surrounding region. CC Arab World Media and Development Manager Donatella Della Ratta was on hand and recapped the event on her blog. While the Salon yielded numerous exciting announcements and presentations, two were particularly inspiring.…