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Category: Open Education

Creative Commons Bootcamp for California Community Colleges

Open Education

Open Education Week offers a global festival of open education efforts. As we take stock of the offerings, it’s heartening to look at how individual efforts can feed into larger system’s change. In our Open Education Week 2023 blog post, we highlight community members’ approaches and tools, opening access to education and knowledge. Below, we…

CC Open Education Platform Lightning Talks February 2023: Recordings and Slides

Open Education

On 2 February 2023, the Creative Commons Open Education Platform community held Lightning Talks, where presenters shared innovative ideas and technologies in the field of Open Education. Each speaker brought unique expertise to the table, sparking conversations and inspiring new ideas. You can watch the replay below. The Lightning Talk Presenters: Reimagining Open Education as…

CC Open Education Platform Lightning Talks: Join us on 2 February 2023

Open Education

The Creative Commons Open Education Platform community welcomes you to our Lightning Talks, or seven-minute presentations on specific updates or stories in open education. Kicking off our Lightning Talks series for 2023, presenters will highlight: open educational resources (OER) as tools for social justice, work/life balance, climate change and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals…

CC Certificate: Alumni interview with Jennifer Miller

Open Education

Launched in 2018, the Creative Commons Certificate program has trained and graduated 1255 people from 65 countries to date.  We celebrate the incredible projects in open knowledge and culture led by the graduates of our program. CC Certificate alumni have used the Certificate course knowledge in a number of ways—read about how alumni have worked…

CC at UN #GlobalGoalsWeek 2022

Events, Open Culture, Open Education, Open Science
Colored grid of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal icons.

Want to build a fairer, more peaceful world? Creative Commons does and we are joining over 170 other organizations in New York City during 16–25 September to accelerate progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during 2022 #GlobalGoalsWeek. CC’s deep engagement with the SDGs comes from two of our fundamental beliefs: First, that…