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Thank You for Participating in Open Sharing Is Caring!

Open Culture

February is usually the time to share virtual hugs, chocolates, and witty cards with family and friends for Valentine’s Day ❤️. (Or “Friend’s Day” in Finland!) This past Valentine’s Day, we wanted you to share something a little different: your creative work. 

In our Open Sharing is Caring challenge, we asked you to openly share an image, song, artwork, research paper, poem, GIF…whatever it may be with the world by gifting it to the public domain. By using #OpenSharingIsCaring on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, we watched as you generously gave to the public domain.

In this post, we’re sharing five of our favorite images!

Smoke in the dark” Sushumna Rao Tadinada (CC0)

A reminder to you in 2021” by Mari Moreshead (CC0)

Illustration created by Joëlle Botter (CC0)

Valentine paper craft by Alison Pearce CC0

Image by Alison Pearce (CC0)

Urban sketch

Illustration of “Bar du Matin in Brussels” by Sam Donvil (CC0)

Finally, we received a few touching and witty poems via email for Valentine’s Day. One of our favorites was shared by Lisanne.

Poem written by Lisanne

Thank you to everyone who shared with us in the #OpenSharingIsCaring challenge! Check out more openly shared creative works here and please continue to give back to the public domain all year long! 

Posted 03 March 2021
