Jamglue: Remix T. Pain, The Blue Scholars, and R. Kelly
UncategorizedJamglue, an “online community for creating and personalizing audio,” has just launched an amazing remix contest featuring “southern soulster” T. Pain and his song “Bartender”.
“Bartender” is available as separate instrument tracks, all of which are released under a CC BY-NC-SA license. By utilizing CC licencing, Jamglue offers its community an open way to interact with the culture around them while allowsingartists flexibility over what rights they want their songs to carry. Users can upload their final cuts for prizes and recognition, the outcome being another great example of a hybrid economy where sharing and commercial interests exist symbiotically.
Jamglue is holding a similar contest featuring Seattle hip-hop duo Blue Scholars‘ “Fire for The People” and also recently finished a contest around R. Kelly’s “I’m a Flirt”. Go and get your remix on.