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RAND Europe survey on Evaluation of Internet Self Regulation, including CC
UncategorizedA note from Chris Marsden of RAND Europe:
I am working on a report for the European Commission on the efficacy of self- and co-regulation in various online sectors, looking at organisations such as Creative Commons, the W3C, and others.
We’d be most grateful if CC members had time to participate in one part of the project, a survey:
Note that you do not need to fill in all the questions – you can simply press ‘Next’ to skip pages where you need to. It would help us if you could be very specific in answering question 5.
Our assessment will cover self-regulatory organisations’ efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability in order to identify conditions under which such institutional arrangements can best stimulate innovation without compromising safety, security and fundamental rights. The ultimate aim is to support EC efforts to further these objectives by initiating and/or mediating self- and co-regulation.
The evaluation will be based on documentary, quantitative, elite interview and electronic survey evidence, analyzed within a logical framework reflecting existing knowledge of the evolution of self-/co- regulation. The findings and recommendations will be validated by means of a key stakeholder workshop and reported in a form suitable for wide dissemination and discussion.
Thanks to Veni Markovski of CC Bulgaria for bringing the survey to our attention.
Posted 10 July 2007