Jamendo 3k, Integrating open content
UncategorizedAnother milestone for CC-centric music site Jamendo: 3,000 albums released, including 1,000 in the last three months.
If you’re a Linux user the Rythmbox music player is a great way to explore these albums. It ships with a Jamendo plugin (and a Magnatune plugin), providing a seamless listening experience. Screenshot:
Jono Bacon recently wrote about this in Making us win: Integrating open content:
Sometimes we, the free software community, can get a little pre-occupied with the immediate landscape, and we often focus too much on Linux, free software ethics and open standards. These are essential, but there is a whole world of open content such as Jamendo, Magnatune, Open Clip Art, OpenStreetmap, Wikipedia, Freesound and much more at our fingertips. With such a rich tapestry of open content and a licensing infrastructure (Creative Commons as a great example) that makes it so simple to license and distribute such content, we have a huge opportunity to not only provide a free software Operating System, but to also hot rod it with oodles of free content.
In the spirit of doing what I encourage others to do (be a CC tastemaker), two recently released Jamendo albums I recommend…
Self-titlted “NeoRomantic Pop” by WhiteRoom from Quebec. Start with track 10, Simple Mood.
If “improvisación experimental” from Spain appeals to you, check out En Busca Del Pasto’s Digresiones IV: Variaciones sobre un diaporama.
Enjoyed that? Then head over to archive.org and listen to one of my favorite albums in the commons (public domain in this case), Miscel·lània Sonora, Joan Bagés i Rubí’s improvisational sound art from Barcelona.