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Help Build The Commons: Final days of the 2nd annual fundraising campaign


On behalf of Creative Commons I want to thank everyone that partook in celebrating CC’s 4th birthday this past Friday. There were celebrations in San Francisco, New York, Warsaw, Turin, Beijing, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Lisbon, as well as in Second Life. During the Second Life presentation Lawrence Lessig, Creative Commons’ CEO and Chairman retired his position as Chairman by virtually passing the torch to Joi Ito.

This is an exciting time for Creative Commons as we move ahead. We will continue to work diligently on our licensing and technology infrastructure, and support the sharing economy.

In order to help grow and sustain our role in the global digital commons, Creative Commons needs your support. Over the past 2 months we at CC have asked you to show your support ideologically and financially – and you have overwhelmed us with your response. As we have entered the final days of this campaign we rely on you – our community – to help us reach our goal. We are 100,000 dollars shy of the 300,000 goal and have 2 weeks left to raise the money. This may seem daunting but we here at CC believe in our community, your support for our work and that the collective “you” will successfully see us through to the end.

So as Lawrence Lessig said earlier today “a simple click is all we need to get that going.”

Posted 18 December 2006
